威科先行·法律信息库是威科集团依托丰富的全球服务经验,为法律专业人士提供的整体信息解决方案。该数据库以卓越的技术实力,联合资深专家团队打造,集法规、案例、解读、工具、问答、法律速递、实务模块等为一体, 为您精准决策、高效工作提供强大支持。
China Law & Reference merges a carefully-designed online research legal database with Wolters Kluwer’s acclaimed international legal resources. The powerful intuitive search function combined with the unrivaled content coverage allows for easy searching of relevant legislation, cases, commentary, treaties, breaking news and industry trends. The bilingual database provides detailed, in-depth analysis that helps the practitioners obtain well-informed opinion, keep abreast of current issues and keep up with industry trends.
海量专业信息, 一站覆盖法律法规、热点案例动态及时更新,移动设备轻松浏览。专业编辑把控品质,确保内容准确及时。高品质法规翻译,为您节省翻译成本及校对时间。更有权威实务评析、问答等解读,精选资讯全年直达您的邮箱。
合规实务系列, 专家解决方案从实务需求入手,在反垄断、反商业贿赂、劳动法、网络安全与数据合规、税法、环保与能源、境外投资、金融、知识产权、国有企业合规、公司法、争议解决、并购重组与破产、香港法律等领域挖掘实务精髓。还有定期动态汇总、实务期刊等汇编资讯,透视案件深层逻辑。
智能工具服务, 强效赋能强大的检索技术支撑高品质内容分类,助您查找所需资料,拓展业务。司法大数据可视化、类案检索报告、案例证明力检索,企业信息查询助您彰显专业实力。专业人士组成的帮助中心也将持续提供支持与服务。
国际条约汇集5500+ 中国与其他国家、国际组织签署或加入的双边、多边条约,可按缔约方和主题分类进行筛选查询。
裁判文书每日更新全国31 个省、市、自治区各级人民法院官方公布的裁判文书,囊括民事、刑事、行政全部案由,相关案例及法规可以一键链接跳转。强大的“案例证明力”检索功能,让您快速锁定具有更强证明力、更大参考价值的内容,全方位满足诉讼检索需求。
专题聚焦围绕 350+ 热门话题提供深度分析(持续增加中),聚焦行业关注点深入进行法规梳理、实务指导、专家解析等整理解读。
专业文章新法、热点案例解读,重点、难点问题分析,精选3 万+ 专业机构解读文章,一键直达,简单清晰。
企业查询将法律文书(裁判文书、行政处罚)和企业信息相关联,实现自由切换查看, 一站式查询工商登记、涉诉信息、税务信息等内容。
AI 工具 + 合规实务系列模块
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Legislations - Contain laws and regulations issued by the central government and 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions of China since 1949. Detailed classification including subjects, industries, effect level, jurisdiction, promulgation date, validity status and team to ensure accuracy of information.
Treaties - Record massive international treaty documents signed between China and other countries. They can be filtered according to the contracting parties and subjects.
Cases - Include judgment judgments handed down by three-levels courts in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions of Mainland China, cover the entire trial process incomplete sentence.
The documents include judgments, rulings, decisions, mediations and other documents; It includes the judgment documents promulgated by the Supreme People's Court, the local courts and special courts; the total amount of documents exceed 100 million; the cases also provide the full text of relevant regulations.
Provide in-depth evaluation of judges, lawyers and other professionals for some typical cases and selected cases, help users sort out case ideas and quickly grasp the key points of case trials. Content is highly correlated with judgments and regulations.
Administrative Penalty Cases - The administrative punishment cases are categorised by subjects, penalty agencies, penalty objects, regions, etc.
Practical Guides - As another column exclusive to Wolters Kluwer, it is composed of well-structured and up-to-date Chinese and English monographs which include comments on and regulations, abundant cases, document models, templates, practical experience and expert suggestions.
Covers corporate law, foreign investments, intellectual property rights, anti-monopoly and other fields and is compiled by experts from top firms such as King& Wood, Junhe, Deloitte and PwC.
Special Focus - Focus on hot legal topics, it offers in-depth analysis (constantly updated) and systemizes laws and regulations, practical guides and expert comments profoundly.
Professional Articles - Expert articles, regulatory comparisons and advisory reports are written by professional consulting agencies. The method of searching is very straight-forward.
Law Express
The bilingual daily news covers legal and regulatory update and case headnotes, provides legal frontier information and in-depth review in real-time, and involves labour law, contract law, company governance, intellectual property, accounting standards, foreign exchange, and customs. The biweekly newsletter summarizes essence information fortnightly.
Templates - Gather officially released demonstrative contracts and document templates. The professional specimen contracts are provided by experts and lawyers with key clauses analysis from a unique perspective.
Smart Charts
A) Query for Administrative Approval Items of Various Departments under the State Council (Enterprise-Oriented)
B) Content Index for Reference and Guide to Civil Trial
C) Query Table for New Court Case Numbers
D) Reminders of Compliance Risks in Corporate Operation (Market Supervision)
Ad Checker - Ad Checker is an online smart tool for compliance review of copy advertising. By submitting an ad copy, users can automatically conduct an online review and get compliance risk prompts instantly.
The risk warning includes the legal basis of the compliance risk point, the relevant administrative cases involved, and other risk points that the advertising law experts advise to pay attention to. The tool can save a lot of manual copy review time, save the cost of studying different industry differences, and provide real punishment cases as a reference.
AI Tools and Add-on Modules:
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