International Encyclopaedia of Laws (Online)

Composed of 25 distinct reference works in online format, and regrouping more than 1200 prominent authors of various legal expertise, the International Encyclopaedia of Laws (IEL):

  • provides practical information and valuable insight into both national and international legal frameworks.
  • aims to respond to the growing need for comprehensive, up-to-date and readily available information on the most important legal disciplines in leading countries.
  • covers each legal discipline with penetrating country-by-country monographs, which describe how each national legal system governs specific fields of law.

These national monographs are supplemented, where relevant, with international or regional monographs which detail how supranational organisations may affect the field of law in question, or with monographs including an overview of the field from a comparative perspective. The choice of authors is conducted by the General Editor, supported by the Administrative Coordinator, and the Volume Editors with the help of other IEL authors.

  1. IEL Civil Procedure
  2. IEL Commercial and Economic Law
  3. IEL Competition Law
  4. IEL Constitutional Law
  5. IEL Contracts
  6. IEL Corporations and Partnerships
  7. IEL Criminal Law
  8. IEL Energy Law
  9. IEL Environmental Law
  10. IEL Family and Succession Law
  11. IEL Insurance Law
  12. IEL Intellectual Property
  13. IEL Intergovernmental Organizations
  14. IEL Labour Law
  15. IEL Media Law
  16. IEL Medical Law
  17. IEL Migration Law
  18. IEL Privacy & Technology Law
  19. IEL Private International Law
  20. IEL Property and Trust Law
  21. IEL Religion
  22. IEL Social Security Law
  23. IEL Sports Law
  24. IEL Tort Law
  25. IEL Transport Law

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