PrimeLaw is a powerful and constantly updated legal database with a comprehensive coverage of legislation, cases, commentary, professional articles and news update. This online legal database enables professionals to navigate Greater China’s complex legal and tax environment with ease and authority. Whether you are a legal or business professional, librarian, professor, or student, we provide you with a fast, accurate and timely information search tool to meet your needs for authoritative information and precise decision-making.
All-in-one solution to navigate Greater China's complex legal and tax environment with ease and authority.
Mainland China Legislation Database (English & Chinese)
Mainland China Legislation Database is a dedicated English & Chinese collection of over 19,180 laws and regulations which regulate the conduct of foreign businesses in the People’s Republic of China. It has been the authoritative and trusted law resources for investors for many years. It is an ideal reference for investors when they are engaged in negotiations with any Chinese business organisations or government divisions. Contains legislation issued by the China’s central government and 34 provincial level administrative regions since 1949. Legislation is classified by industries, geographical region, promulgation date, validity status, etc, and proofread by a professional team to ensure accuracy of information.
China Laws for Foreign Business – Business Regulations
A comprehensive collection of key business laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, covering all business topics such as constitution, contracts, joint ventures, foreign resident offices, exchange control, banking and finance, insurance, commercial arbitration, trademarks, copyright and patents, employment and labour, enterprises and companies, resources, environmental protection, vehicles and vessels, control and standards, and many other matters.
China Laws for Foreign Business – Special Zones & Cities A compilation of laws and regulations issued by China’s Special Economic Zones and major cities. Includes local laws issued by the local people’s congress and governments in the special investment areas of the People’s Republic of China.
China Laws for Foreign Business – Taxation & Customs A comprehensive collection of Chinese taxation and customs laws that affects foreign businesses operating in China. it provides up-to-date information in relation to taxation for individuals, industrial and commercial entities, foreign enterprises, joint ventures, vehicles and vessels, accounting, customs, imports and exports, licensing, Customs inspection and quarantine, vessels and aircraft, exhibitions and trade samples, resources and petroleum, and many other matters.
Mainland China Legal Expertise Commentary (English)
China Business Law Guide — Tailored to the needs of MNCs, legal firms, consultancy firms exploring business opportunities and operating in China. Comprehensively explores 25 key topics involved in various forms of foreign investment in China, covering the legal framework, business environment, business laws and compliance, market access, corporate governance, human resources and taxation, intellectual property and technology transfer, insurance, regional differences, dispute settlement, and exit mechanism etc.
China Tax and Customs Law Guide — Not only offers an in-depth analysis of China's tax and tariff system, but also timely provides accurate interpretation of the latest laws and regulations of China's finance and taxation as well as administrative circulars and orders, and at the same time, shares practical experience through various case analysis. Includes the latest tax and customs laws and regulations, and various forms for users to download.
China Intellectual Property Law Reference Service — Address all issues pertinent to IP rights enforcement and protection in China. Includes an in-depth commentary jointly written by a distinguished group of senior judges, experienced lawyers, IP consultants and professors; and a wide range of court cases selected and analysed by a team of honourable Chinese judges with rich experience in IP rights litigation.
Legal Dimensions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative — Discusses the different legal features of China’s Belt and Road project and thus offers a great variety of insightful viewpoints. It creates a comprehensive and robust foundation for future research, while serving as a ready-to-use practice handbook for anybody who is in need of first-hand information regarding the Belt and Road initiative.
Chinese Business Law: Narrative & Commentary — A companion handbook for any foreign interested in understanding Chinese private and civil law, as well as the regulation of markets.
A Guide to H Share Listings — A practical and easy-to-use guide for companies which are considering listing their businesses on the Main Board and Growth Enterprise Market of Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Employment Law in China — A comprehensive and reliable guide to the best HR practice in China, with easy-to-understand coverage of employment law basics such as recruitment, benefits, tax, expatriate and foreign workers, training, industrial relations, termination and redundancy. Translations of the most relevant labour laws, rules and regulations are included.
Mergers and Acquisitions in China: Law & Practice — A structured up-to-date introduction to the legal regime governing M&A transactions in mainland China with a focus on practical issues arising out of China-related M&A transactions with the involvement of non-Chinese parties.
China Outbound Investment — A comprehensive discussion of general topics of importance in the context of cross-border investments, such as the discussion of structuring options, tax planning, outbound related IT and IP issues as the importance of investment treaty networks.
Mediation in Greater China: The New Frontier for Commercial Mediation — Takes the reader through many facets of mediation (both in general and specifically in Greater China) and provides in-depth explanations of mediation-related processes, stages of mediation, roles of professionals and parties in mediation; detailed tips on important skills, competence, ethics, etc for being a mediator; an in-breadth as well as in-depth international perspective to the reader on mediation, and more.
The Anatomy of China’s Banking Sector and Regulation — Studies the legal, regulatory, and market developments in China’s banking sector in recent years by concentrating on the institutional development and financial deepening.
International Taxation Law and Practice in Hong Kong and China — Examines the international law that governs taxation in Hong Kong and sets a comparison to Mainland China and discusses the developments and directions of Hong Kong’s foreign economic policy.
Antitrust Law and Practice in China and Hong Kong — Covers the law interpretations, court cases, analysis of the market monopolism in both China and Hong Kong.
The Essential of Chinese Maritime Law — Explores both substantive and procedural components, both legislated and speculated topics, as well as settled and ongoing debates, with jurisprudential and adjudicative implications.
China’s International Business Transactions and Laws: Key tools for China — Illustrates the complexities and challenges associated with trading, national laws and policies while also providing compelling glimpses into the reality of implementing successful investment projects in this dynamic market.
United Kingdom & Hong Kong Cases Database
Our case database is constantly updated. As of March 2022, it contains over 128,900 cases of various topics heard by Hong Kong courts since Year 1877, and more than 13,600 cases of various types heard by the UK courts (including 10,696 cases decided by the Privy Council).
Hong Kong Company Law Case Collection [2008-2022]
Headnote of over 800 key Hong Kong company law cases is written by a team of prominent barristers from Des Voeux Chambers, and endorsed by the Hon Mr. Justice Jonathan Harris, High Court. This case collection offers you the most precise and authoritative interpretation of the HK company law case judgment and its practical implication.
Hong Kong Legal Expertise Commentary (English)
Expertise commentary is updated regularly by leading experts from different fields. It provides multi-angle interpretations on topics relevant to corporate compliance, finance and taxation, and offers practical compliance solutions to help users reduce operational risks. For example, analysis of various practical issues from company establishment, accounting, auditing, corporate compliance, tax compliance to employee recruitment, with reference to the Companies Ordinance (Cap 622), the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112), and the Employment Ordinance (Cap 57), help users to build more confidence in their Hong Kong business decision-making and achieve effective operation.
Hong Kong Company Law & Practice — Expert insights on all aspects of Hong Kong company operation and regulatory compliance such as shareholder’s rights, director’s duties, company secretarial practices, Main Board and SME listing requirements, capital restructure, employment law, foreign corporation, etc.
Hong Kong Director's Manual — Extensive coverage of both legal and practical issues associated with directors’ role, duties and responsibilities in day-to-day corporate operation including but not limited to incorporation and share capital, management and administration, commercial transaction and business expansion, takeover and merger, share transfer, capital investment, taxation, winding up, receivership and dissolution.
Hong Kong Company Secretary Practice Manual — Concise explanation of the compliance requirements, legislative framework and ramifications of company secretarial practice in Hong Kong. Includes a comprehensive mix of commentary, specimen minutes and resolutions as well as full reproduction of prescribed forms, and selected guidelines and codes under the Companies Ordinance.
Hong Kong Company Secretary Checklist — An ideal quick reference including an introduction and explanation, a checklist of points to consider, procedures to follow, Companies Registry filing requirements and cross-references to relevant legislation and regulation.
A Practical Guide to Initial Public Offering in Hong Kong — Comprehensive overview of the IPO process in Hong Kong, addressing the most important aspects of planning, launching and completing a successful IPO.
Hong Kong Listed Companies: Law & Practice — comprehensive commentary for listed companies in Hong Kong in relation to listing matters, with special focus on the Listing Rules, the Securities and Futures Ordinance and the Companies Ordinance.
A Guide to GEM Listing in Hong Kong — Tracks the GEM Listing Rules in its step-by-step presentation to avoid confusion. Includes practical advice, templates of relevant legal documents and draws on the real-world experiences of practitioners in the listing process.
Hong Kong Employment Law: A Practical Guide — Brings readers up to date with the legislative changes and new case law. Assists in-house lawyers, human resources professionals and those making business decisions in getting to grips with employment issues in Hong Kong.
Competition Law in Hong Kong: A Guide for Business Executives and Entrepreneurs — A valuable addition to the resources available for business executives, directors, compliance officers and all those interested in increasing their knowledge of this new area of law and regulation. Provides the historic and political context, as well as an overview of the key concepts and practical information about compliance.
Hong Kong Annotated Statutes: Mediation Ordinance — Provides detailed information on multiple aspects of the Hong Kong Mediation Ordinance. Also highlights aspects of mediation regulation that are not included in the Ordinance such as accreditation, mediator immunity, legal limitation periods. Explains the reasons behind their exclusion and points readers to the applicable general law.
Hong Kong Arbitration: A User’s Guide — Offers a clear and concise introduction to Hong Kong arbitration law as well as model arbitration clauses for drafting purposes, an in-depth discussion of arbitration procedure and enforcement, and an explanation of the mechanisms for reciprocal enforcement of arbitral awards between the Mainland and Hong Kong.
Contracts for the International Sales of Goods in China — Examines the relationships between Chinese Contract Law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UPICC); how Chinese internal law reconciles and harmonizes with international uniform law and principles; and the attitudes of Chinese jurists and legal practitioners towards international uniform contract and sales law instruments.
Mediation in Asia Pacific: A Practical Guide to Mediation and its Impact on Legal Systems — Offers insights and gives many practical suggestions for mediation professionals, mediators and lawyers to consider when they work in the mediation area.
Cartels in Asia: Law & Practice — Provides an Asian perspective on a range of legal issues related to anti-cartel laws across a selection of countries in Asia, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, India, Vietnam and Singapore.
Construction Arbitration in Hong Kong — A Practical Guide — Provides the readers with the practical knowledge and skills needed to understand the subject as well as to foster the promotion of a better dispute resolution culture in the construction industry often categorised as fragmented and disorganised.
Family Business and Corporate Governance in Hong Kong — Examines why the transplanted directors’ duties are inappropriate for Chinese family companies; recommends a separate self-regulated regime should be established for these companies.
Business Process Re-engineering: A Practical Guide — A comprehensive workbook full of practical tips, guidance notes, case studies and examples illustrating the narrative – this is the definitive guide to developing the organisation.
Legal Problems of Economic Globalisation: A Commentary on the Law & Practice — Expounds many of the contemporary legal problems that transactional economics brings to the fore and makes inquiries into international economic law resolution thereof as well as the legal avenues for such resolution.
Essential HR Solutions Hong Kong: Letters, Forms & Policies — Wide coverage of HR themes: ranging from recruitment advertisements and procedures to essential HR letters, forms and policies.
Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the FTAs of Asia — Not only focuses on the comparative dispute settlement mechanism adopted by China and India, but also provides a road map for establishing an effective, efficient and practical dispute settlement mechanism by other Asian countries in their Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
Token Economy: A Practical Guide to Blockchain Technology & ICO in Asia — Explores the fundamentals behind tokenomics and examines ICOs against other forms of fundraising structures such as crowdfunding or ICOs. And it doesn’t just provide critical insights to enable companies to complete their ICO in Asia, but it looks to the aftermarket to ensure that the ICO is not the end, but in fact just the beginning of a company’s success in the crypto capital markets.
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